
  • 嗨,你好!

    我叫黄泽宇,目前正在香港科技大学计算机系的人机交互组攻读博士学位,师从麻晓娟教授。同时我亦有从康立德教授进行一些音乐声学方面的研究。 在此之前,我本科也毕业于香港科技大学,双主修计算机科学与数学。

    我是一个不太相信 MBTIENFJ。 喜欢听点儿音乐、敲锣打鼓,早起饮啡、日落下厨,逛街看展、探店拍照,得闲也不忘发会儿呆。

    zhuangbi 𝖆𝖙 connect 𝕕𝕠𝕥 ust 𝕕𝕠𝕥 hk
    A very handsome face of mine


    Showcase image

    Be There, Be Together, Be Streamed! AR Scenic Live-Streaming for an Interactive and Collective Experience

    2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct 2024)

    Zeyu Huang, Zuyu Xu, Yuanhao Zhang, Chengzhong Liu, Yanwei Zhao, Chuhan Shi, Chen Zhao, Xiaojuan Ma

    Showcase image

    SelfGauge: An Intelligent Tool to Support Student Self-assessment in GenAI-enhanced Project-based Learning

    Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24 Adjunct)

    Chengbo Zheng, Zeyu Huang, Shuai Ma, Xiaojuan Ma

    Showcase image

    DiscipLink: Unfolding Interdisciplinary Information Seeking Process via Human-AI Co-Exploration

    Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24)

    Chengbo Zheng, Yuanhao Zhang, Zeyu Huang, Chuhan Shi, Minrui Xu, Xiaojuan Ma

    Showcase image

    Sharing Frissons among Online Video Viewers: Exploring the Design of Affective Communication for Aesthetic Chills

    Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24)

    Zeyu Huang, Xinyi Cao, Yuanhao Zhang, Xiaojuan Ma

    Showcase image

    A Comparative Study of Violin and Erhu Emotional Characteristics: Influence of Playing Techniques and Instrument

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2024

    Wenyi Song, Ziya Zhou, Zeyu Huang, Andrew Horner

    Showcase image

    A Comparative Analysis of Violin and Erhu: Examining the Differences and Similarities through Statistical Analysis of Multiple Musical Excerpts

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2023

    Wenyi Song, Zeyu Huang, Andrew Horner

    Showcase image

    The Emotional Characteristics of Bass Drums, Snare Drums, and Disengaged Snare Drums with Different Strokes and Dynamics

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2023

    Student Paper Competition Winner

    Zeyu Huang, Wenyi Song, Xiaojuan Ma, Andrew Horner

    Showcase image

    CoArgue: Fostering Lurkers’ Contribution to Collective Arguments in Community-based QA Platforms

    Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)

    Chengzhong Liu, Shixu Zhou, Dingdong Liu, Li Junze, Zeyu Huang, Xiaojuan Ma

    Showcase image

    PlanHelper: Supporting Activity Plan Construction with Answer Posts in Community-based QA Platforms

    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6, CSCW2, Article 454 (CSCW '22)

    Chengzhong Liu, Zeyu Huang, Dingdong Liu, Shixu Zhou, Zhenhui Peng, Xiaojuan Ma




    (黃)姓是中国排名前几的大姓。由于它确实太常见了,所以我在给网站起名时,取了其字面“黄色”之意,和名字拼起来,这才有了没有被抢注的 yellowzeyu。至于泽宇(澤宇)这个名字,也是非常常见的一个名字了。“泽”取“恩泽、惠泽”之意,“宇”则取“宇宙、四面八方”之意,二字一起传达了“向整个世界施予恩惠”的美好愿望。



    每一个会说普通话或者看得懂普通话拼音的朋友,都会对我这独一无二的港科大帐号啧啧称奇,因为它正好是“装逼”的拼音。不过我们学校的帐号真的不支持自定义修改,我拥有这个帐号也确实是运气使然。根据我们学校帐号的生成规则,首先取名字的首字母,所以 Zeyu 就有了“z”,然后是姓氏“huang”,最后所有“zhuang”的组合从“aa”、“ab”开始排序,从建校开始排到我正好到了“bi”,再把它们组合起来便有了“zhuangbi”。当然了,我建议一般人不要随便指望自己有这种运气。在我过去的四年本科生活中,朋友们都纷纷以“装逼”而非真名叫我,开不了口的也会说“逼逼”或者“逼哥”等等。并且这个称呼的回头率可高了。


    我自诩是个游戏玩家,但又不是最典型的那种。相比于过于竞技化的网游和过于考究的 3A 游戏相比,我玩的更多的是解谜和剧情向的独立游戏。

    像《What Remains of Edith Finch》,《The Stanley Parable》这些剧情游戏,我一定特别推荐。至于解谜游戏呢,我要求也不低,至少是把谜题包得比较漂亮,例如《Gorogoa》、《The Witness》,要不然就是解谜向的冒险游戏,比如点击冒险的《Machinarium》、平台冒险的《Fez》和《Portal》,再或者就是一些非常有新意的特别的解谜,比如《Return of the Obra Dinn》、《Superliminal》。

    除了这两个大的类别之外,我和 Videogamedunkey 类似,也是一个马力欧系列游戏的忠实粉丝,并且也不喜欢 PRG 和回合制战斗。不过就像 Videogamedunkey 所说,正因为有这些“不喜欢”,当我说我喜欢《Undertale》、《塞尔达传说》和《纸片马力欧》的时候,我的赞赏也显得尤其有份量。
