AR Scenic Live Streaming
A imaginative transformation of unmanned scenic live streaming into lively interactive media, as if the scenery itself was responsive to the viewers.
My name is Huang, Zeyu (黄 泽宇). In Chinese, surnames come first, so you can call me Zeyu. I am a PhD candidate in CSE at the HCI Lab of HKUST, supervised by Prof. Xiaojuan Ma. Currently, I am attending a research visit to Georgia Institute of Technology, at the Future Feelings Lab directed by Prof. Noura Howell in the Digital Media department. Apart from my main research direction, I also do some musical acoustic studies following Prof. Andrew Horner. Prior to that, I also earned my Bachelor’s Degree in CS and MATH at HKUST.
I am an ENFJ that not always believe in MBTI. I love music and playing drums. I brew coffees and cook. I check out exhibitions, shops, restaurants, streets, and the unexpected. I drift off and wake, learn and forget.
A imaginative transformation of unmanned scenic live streaming into lively interactive media, as if the scenery itself was responsive to the viewers.
A non-intrusive and EDA-based channel for YouTube viewers to share their goosebump moments in sync with the video playback and visualize the crowd's collective reaction.
A scraper & visualizer of course quota changes at HKUST (on an Oracle PeopleSoft Student Record deployment) during past add-and-drop periods. (It is unfortunately not up anymore due to lack of deployment sponsorship.)
A minimalism re-imagination of campus navigation page and start page for HKUST students.
A design fiction of a mobile app where you can author mobile phone tutorials for your grandparents. (HCI course project)
A design fiction of a social VR product for event icebreaking. (HCI course project)
A design fiction of a chatbot as your cooking copilot that gives effective instructions. (HCI course project)
Please see the Publication section for other projects where I am not the leader but have extensively involved in the design, implementation, and user research. Please also request my CV for any secret ongoing projects ;)
Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '24 Adjunct)
Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24)
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2024
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2023
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) 2023
Student Paper Competition Winner
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6, CSCW2, Article 454 (CSCW '22)
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21)
My surname, Huang (黄; 黃 in Traditional Chinese), is one of the most common surnames in China. Apart from being a surname, it also literally means yellow — now you know where my website domain comes. My given name, Zeyu (泽宇; 澤宇 in Traditional Chinese), is also a quite popular one. That’s also why any domain name as a combination of huang and zeyu is already taken. 泽 originally means the place where water gathers (especially, pools, swamps, and magnificently large lakes). Since water is such a pure and glistening thing and a necessity for life, it also gains another meaning of to bestow favor (to something). 宇 means the universe. Therefore, together, 泽宇 means to bestow favor and show kindness to the entirety of the world.
It is beautiful, isn’t it?
If you ever know Mandarin Pinyin or understand Mandarin, you must have been stunned by my one-in-a-million HKUST account name. “zhuangbi” is the Mandarin Pinyin for “装逼” — a slang meaning to flaunt, to show off. But actually, it is intended to be “z” (for my given name “Zeyu”), “huang” (my surname), and a two-letter order code for all “zhuang"s since the first day of HKUST. Starting from “aa”, “ab”, and so on, I happen to get “bi”. Not many of us HKUST students have to luck to be known by a catchy account name instead of the real name. And for the past four years of my undergraduate life, people have been (and beening loving) calling me by my account name.
I am a game player, but not the most typical ones. I love the experience of constant encounter with new stuff. Therefore, I seldom play online games (too competitive) and AAA games (too complicated), but I play a lot of indie puzzle and narrative games.
Story-oriented games like What Remains of Edith Finch and The Stanley Parable are something I’d definitely recommend. For puzzle games, I want them to either come with delicate furnishings, like Gorogoa, Framed, The Witness, or be wrapped in adventures, like Machinarium (point-and-click), Fez and Portal (platform), or something new and eccentric like Return of the Obra Dinn and Superliminal.
Beyond the two main category, I am very similar to Videogamedunkey as a die-hard fan of Mario games, and I hate RPG and turn-based combat. As Videogamedunkey said, that (counter-)preference especially stands out when I say I do like Undertale, Legend of Zelda, and Paper Mario.
Today, while taking a shower, I had a sudden burst of inspiration about the concept of “spiritual needs”: Is it possible that we are not starting to pursue spiritual needs after satisfying the basic ones, but instead, we are losing our spiritual fulfillment in the process of striving to meet those basic needs?
…It’s said that every engineering-minded person will observe and imagine the elevator scheduling algorithm while waiting for the elevator. Especially when multiple elevators and buttons are interconnected and divided into odd-floor and even-floor, the problem becomes even more complex. At this point, this wandering thought process can perfectly help us pass the few minutes before the elevator arrives. Until— In the year I moved out of campus dormitory, I finally encountered my dream elevator, a system that controlled odd- and even-floor elevators with a strict logic that most residents couldn’t understand.…
Here are some of my tips for collaborative writing of academic papers in LaTeX. I will use ACM as an example (one of the largest association in computer science), but many tips should also apply to different fields and templates.
…Had you ever written a Chrome browser extension, you must have been struggling to differenciate the contexts of every script file in your project. There are content scripts, background scripts, scripts in a popup page, and even more!
Grammarly should be a very familiar tool to a lot of paper-writers. Although it does improve our writing to some extent, recently I realize that its accuracy is not that ideal after an in-depth experience of authoring academic papers. Here lists some of the false alarms that make Grammarly annoyed and annoying.
(This article is in Chinese) 在傍晚的飞机起飞前,我们干脆一大早就去日内瓦机场,然后在谷歌地图上随手点一个附近的法国小镇转转,只是彼时压根不知道城市名中的伏尔泰指的就是那位哲学家和文学家,而这座城市就是他安度晚年的地方。